Web Hosting Droplets
Cloud Based Hosting for Fast Secure Websites
Let us host your website!
All our accounts are hosted on dedicated cloud servers optimized to run websites fast & efficiently.
You can choose to get full self serve access or have us manage your WordPress Website for you.
What’s in a Web Droplet?
Droplets run on distributed cloud servers that are optimized to run websites fast and securely. Droplets are created using dedicated resources in the cloud. If one droplet becomes compromised or corrupted there is another one waiting to take its place. In high traffic situations we loan you more resources from the central cloud. In ongoing high traffic situations we may ask you to upgrade to a higher plan.
*Advanced WAF Firewall standard on Bronze and higher packages. Quantum Hosting uses a standard Firewall.
**Free pop-3 provided email addresses are for low volume users. We recommend upgrading to our NEW IMAP Webmail service or using Google or Zoho as your email server. We will help set-up the connection to ensure your email matches your website domain name.
Choose the perfect domain name for your business.
Full Hosting HUB
Every Account comes with full access to a powerful hosting HUB that manages all aspects of your server. Email accounts, security, backups, databases, domain setting and website optimization are all at your finger tips.